Registratūros darbo laikas I–IV 8:00–17:00, V 8:00–15:45, pietų pertrauka 12:00-12:45

+370 5 244 0700


Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre

Valakupių reabilitacijos centras / Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre

Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre is a public institution established in 2000 by the Government of Lithuania. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life, health, and social participation of every individual by providing comprehensive, person- and community-centered services.

Services Offered:

  • Medical Rehabilitation
  • Social services for people with disabilities and the elderly
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Vocational Education and Training
  • Driving School Services for People with Disabilities

These services are delivered by over 100 staff members at two locations in Vilnius and Kaunas, benefiting more than 1,000 service users annually.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Medical Rehabilitation
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Employment
  • Social Care and Independent Living, Empowerment, and Quality of Life
  • Competence Building for Specialists
  • Quality of Social Services

International Collaboration and EU Projects: From its inception, VRC has been actively involved in national and transnational projects that promote inclusion and employment for people with disabilities, as well as improving the quality of life for all individuals. The Centre also serves as a methodological hub for vocational rehabilitation in Lithuania and holds a local license for EQUASS Assurance, which promotes quality in social services. VRC has been a member of the European Platform for Rehabilitation for many years.

Competence Center: VRC regularly organizes training seminars and informational sessions for professionals providing social, labor market integration, and healthcare services. Over the past five years, VRC has hosted more than 100 training sessions on topics such as social assistance, human rights, community work, quality of social services, violence prevention, trauma prevention, and emotional wellbeing.